
Problem with .xml and list view

Samuel Vaesy

Samuel Vaesy


Hello, my first post here \o/

Im also quite noob whit C#, but to the point...

I'm trying to display data from .xml file (which is updated periodically) in listView, but so far I haven't got anything working properly yet. Practically the data which should be displayed is group of measured temperatures saved to .xml file.
I got one version working somehow, but it didn't "update" the listView, it only added new information to it...

So, could you advise me, which would be the best way to get data from .xml file to the listView so that every time this loop runs, it replaces old values wiht new ones? Is the listView the best way to handle this, or are there some other(better) ways to do this?

The Content of the .xml file looks like this(form of the content can be changed if it eases the display "procedure"):
