I'm developing NestJS app with MySQL. I have two tables (Sport and Referee) with one-to-many relation between them. When I test the create operation, the foreign key in Referee table is null. Also, I can't read referees for a certain sport. Can anyone check what the problem is?Here is the code:
//class Sport
export class Sport
id: string;
name: string;
@OneToMany(type => Referee, ref => ref.sport)
referees: Referee[];
//class Referee
export class Referee
id: string;
name: string;
@ManyToOne(type => Sport, sp => sp.referees)
sport: Sport;
//code in referee service
async findBySport(sportId: string): Promise<Referee[]>
return await this.refereesRepository.find({where: {id: sportId}});
async add(referee: Referee)
await this.refereesRepository.save(referee);
//code in controller
getRefereesBySport(@Param('sportId') sportId: string)
return this.refereesService.findBySport(sportId);