Hi all,
I am working on my semester project and I am stuck up little and need some help.
List Search is a AJAX control, I want to data bind it to Oracle. How can I do that. As far as I know List Search requires the data to be returned to it as array of strings. Now I am fetching the records from Oracle in a DataSet 'ds'. When I databind 'ds' to that List. It shows System.Data.DataRowView as the ListBox items. What should I do? The following are the code snippets I am using.
DataSet dbSearch(string query)
OracleConnection newCon = new OracleConnection("Data Source=HMS;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=system;Password=manager;Unicode=True");
OracleDataAdapter fetchRecord = new OracleDataAdapter(query, newCon);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.DataSetName =
"Selected patient(s)";
catch (OracleException ex)
string ex0 = ex.ToString();
catch (Exception exx)
string ex00 = exx.ToString();
return ds;
Now, in OnLoad() I am calling this method and passing the variable containing the query.
override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
string str = "select MED_ID from MEDICINE";
DataSet ds = dbSearch(str);
ListBox1.DataSource = ds;
Now what should I do in order to view the actual columns that my query is returning in dataset? Is their any other way, is their any other way through which I can return the number of columns in an array of strings and databind it to my ListBox. Please help...