
Problem in crystal report API...

Pugalendran P

Pugalendran P



      I am migrating a report from version 8.5 to 11. The Report is having only one Parameter Field named as JOBID.

      I am using the API,  PEGetNParameterFields  to return the number of parameters. If i call the API ( PEGetNParameterFields ), which is in the CRPE32.dll of version 8.5 then the API function is returning 1. If the call the API(PEGetNParameterFields ), which is in the CRPE32.dll of version 11 then the API function returns the value as 0.

    I add one more parameter field DUMMYID in the same report after the JOBID in the version 11, then the API function is returns the value 1.  API PEGetNParameterFields is recognizing the newly Parameter DUMMYID and not recognizing the JOBID

    But if i read the first parameter using PEGetNthParameterField, then it is returning JOBID.

    PEGetNthParameterField is recognizing the JOBIDand PEGetNParameterFields  is not recognizing the JOBID.

   Can anyone know why the API is returning 1 and 0 inconsistently between the version 8.5 and 11?

 Thanks in Advance