
problem facing in C# code

talal ahmed

talal ahmed

i have access database file have 4 tables (PrGEL, PoGEL, PrChopRule, PoChopRule).
i want to search word from first 2 tables(exceptio list of words) if word is found in table show output in textbox.
1) Check the input word in all exception lists
2) If word is found, dont apply any chopping and return the word itself so it will be the output
task is done so no further step
3) If word is not found, then first apply chopping of prefix
4) Now check the remaining word again in all exception lists
5) If found return this remaining word as output
task is done so no further step
6) If not found then apply chopping of postfix
7) return the remaining word, task is done
can any one help me ? 
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