
Problem downloadin file using HttpWebRequest from a WinApp




Hi folks,

Please help....

Im trying to download a file from webserver to my win app using webrequest and webresponse classes. Its working fine on local machines.  But Im not able to download files from remote server. I colud not locate where is it going wrong.

FYI..... code snippets...

1. Download.aspx.cs

strGetFileList = CType(Request.QueryString("GetFileList"), String)

strFolderPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DownloadPath")

If (strGetFileList = "Yes") Then

'If yes, first it will supply all the files available in the directory

strFileList = GetFileNamesList(strFolderPath)

Response.ClearHeaders() 'clearing the headers(if present) from the file

Response.AddHeader("FileList", strFileList) 'put the file name in the addheader property of the "response"

ElseIf (strGetFileList = "No") Then

'If NO, means it will ask for a particular file one by one

strFileName = CType(Request.QueryString("FileName"), String)

oFileStream = New FileStream(strFolderPath & strFileName, FileMode.Open)

'clearing the headers(if present) from the file


'put the file name in the addheader property of the "response"

Response.AddHeader("FileName", strFileName)

'Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"

''copy the data to the output stream

CopyData(oFileStream, Response.OutputStream)


End If

Catch ex As Exception




If Not oFileStream Is Nothing Then oFileStream.Close()

'end the response


End Try


2. Download.vb ( from my Winapp)

strQueryString = "Download.aspx?GetFileList=Yes"

strSourceURL = fstrSourceURL & strQueryString


'Get the list of file names as , separated values in the web server to be downloaded

'then download each file by passing the file name

' This sets up the Request instance

oRequest = WebRequest.Create(strSourceURL)

oRequest.Timeout = 600000

' getting the default proxy settings for solving the bad data error during data sync

oProxy = New WebProxy()

oProxy = WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy

If Not IsNothing(oProxy.Address) Then

' ' getting the default user id, password and domain name

' ' for user authentication.

 oProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

 oRequest.Proxy = oProxy

End If

oRequest.Method = "GET" ' Use a GET since no data is being sent to the web server

oResponse = oRequest.GetResponse ' This causes the round-trip

'Get the file names of the file that is being downloaded as , separated values

strFileList = oResponse.Headers("FileList")

If (strFileList.Length > 0) And (Not strFileList = Nothing) Then

'Remove the , from the end

strFileList = strFileList.Substring(0, (strFileList.Length - 1))

arrFileList = strFileList.Split(",".ToCharArray())


Throw New Exception("No file found to download")

End If


'Loop through the files and downloadeach file from the destination folder

For i = 0 To arrFileList.Length - 1

oRequest = Nothing

oResponse = Nothing

strQueryString = "Download.aspx?GetFileList=No"

strSourceURL = fstrSourceURL & strQueryString & "&FileName=" & arrFileList(i)

' This sets up the Request instance

oRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(strSourceURL), HttpWebRequest)

' Use a GET since no data is being sent to the web server

oRequest.Method = "GET"

' This causes the round-trip

oResponse = oRequest.GetResponse

'Get the file name of the file that is being downloaded.

strFileName = oResponse.Headers("FileName")

'check if the file name is empty,indicates that there is no file on Portal to download

If Not strFileName = Nothing Then

strDestURL = fstrDestURL & strFileName

'Check whether file exists, if exists delete the old file

oFileInfo = New FileInfo(strDestURL)

If (oFileInfo.Exists()) Then


End If

' Open the file to stream in the content

oFileStream = New FileStream(strDestURL, FileMode.Create)

' Copy the content from the response stream to the file.

CopyData(oResponse.GetResponseStream(), oFileStream)

m_strFileName = strFileName

If Not oResponse Is Nothing Then oResponse.GetResponseStream.Close()

If Not oFileStream Is Nothing Then oFileStream.Close()


Throw New Exception("File not found.")

End If

Next i

bRetValue = True

Return bRetValue

Catch ex As Exception


Throw ex


If Not oResponse Is Nothing Then oResponse.GetResponseStream.Close()

If Not oFileStream Is Nothing Then oFileStream.Close()

oRequest = Nothing

oResponse = Nothing

oFileInfo = Nothing

End Try


should i need to configure anything, please suggest some way to work it out

