
PowerApps- Manual Spinner Issue

I have created a manual spinner in my powerApps in a SharePointIntegration App, where i have three different screens and three respective forms.(New,Edit & View)

Purpose: Loader should be visible when the powerapp is loading data of controls...

What I've done?

1. added Recatngle and image as a group

2. Visbility of group = LoaderVisible (variable declared below)

3. Set(LoaderVisible,true) - Onview property of SharePointIntegration

4. Added timer control, duration - 2000, Autostart - true, OntimerEnd - Set(LoaderVisible,false).

Issue: it is working fine, if I'm opening form at the first, But the spinner will go into infinite loop if you are selecting another item and open it without refreshing the browser. you can say the OntimerEnd is not working there. The same thing is impacting Edit screen as well. Its like some variable cache issue. Though i tried calering cache from broswer and set (LoaderVisible, Blank()).