
possible to implement 32 different messageboxes in 1 button?

Million Aire

Million Aire

Instead of using 32 forms for one button I wanted to ask if it were possible that I could have 32 different message boxes stored on a single button in form 2 and the messagebox that comes up is purely down to one of the 32 buttons the user clicked on form1. Because I have a textbox and another button on form2 im not using the if and switch statements because I want the user to see form2.

For example: there's a map of a city on form 1 and each town has a button. there are 32 towns and I'd like the "info" button on form2 to open up the messagebox associated with the town the user clicked on in form1

I would appreciate all the help I can get as you might make me a rich man someday hehehe.

Answers (4)