
Plz see these queries and give answers to it

k john

k john

Hi everyone,
          I Have doubts regarding these queries plz can anyone reply to qnswers to my queriess.......
1)What is the differnce between XML file and Text File in .Net Applications?
2)What is the diffence between Class and Module (in Vb.net)
3)What is the use of Protected ,Overide keyword in .net applications what is advantage of it?
4)What is the difference between Import and Inheritance in .net Applications?
5)How can we say Exception handling is a powerful concept in Vb.net when there is also exception handling in VB ie waht is advantage of exception handling concept in vb.net
6)How a dll file is reusable ?ie how to import a dll file in our applications ...
7)can we access a vb property (like "LEFT") in VB.Net as there is no LEFT property in Vb.Net? if we can How can we access it...
8)In Asp.Net --  when Authorisation is used and whic one?
9)When Validations occurs for Validating Controls
10)How to implement Fragment Caching..
11)Diffences Between WebServices and Remoting?
12)When Xml Is used in .Net?
13)What are the steps involved in converting Private  to   Global  ?
14)How to protect the class being protected ?
Answers (2)