
Please tell me how to send parameters using threads from one page to another...

Kapil Gahlot

Kapil Gahlot


I am a beginner in ASP.net only in the 8th semester of B.Tech. Now, I am making a Biometric Attendence marking system. I am using EMGU.CV for face detection.
It is basically a face detection system. I add faces using a form Add_face and then with the help of the recognizer page I recognize the face of the person...the name of the person is shown on the rectangle of his face....I passed this name and the ID(which is the position at which the sample picture of the person is stored) to another form called data. Using these two variable the data fetches all the other information from the sql database.I stop capture when recognizer recognizes one frame.

Now, my problem is when the information about the person is successfully shown on the data page and try to go back on the recognizer page and i try to start capture again a weird exception came.....something like....opencv exception: ssize > 0 and blah blah....I used form.show(), form.hide(), form.close() and stuff here...cause thats the only way i know to send parameters from one page to other....

But, in my Add_face form when I add a face and go to the recognizer page, It works perfectly fine. Here, I used the threads cause I didn't had to send any parameters there.....

So, basically either please explain me how to get rid of that scary opencv exception: ssize> 0 thing or how to send parameters using threads.....any help would be greatly appreciated....

and thanks a lot sam for your previous help....hope you would be able to see my problem better here.... :)