
Please Need Assistance For Showing Checkboxlist Item Checked

Danish Habib

Danish Habib

I have a User table into my application where i am storing the user basic information and I have another table where i store the detail information of that user below is the basic and details information 
Due to Many to many relationship I create this UserDetails table the Rulese are below
One user can have one or many districts
one user can have  no or many Tehsils
one user cah have no or many ucs
one user can have no or many villages
The cascade nature is as below 
on district selction the Tehsil popluates and on tehsil checkboxlist item selction the ucs populates and on ucs selction teh village populaets 
They have their own table
The record is saving correct 
The problem is that i Have to show the Districts,TEhsils,UCs,Village checkboxlist item selected if their id comming from the database I am getting 220 Rows for that user because he has assigned 220 villages so i am using loop to checked the selected items first the for each loop of district run then this pass the value then the tehsil loop then the uc and then the village so row by row the datareader fetch 220 rows and it did not show the selected checkboxitems if the datareader has more than 40 rows please guide me ho to show cascade checkboxlist item checked on edit if their values comming from store procedure