I am developing a suite of visualization tools for multivariate data. After much research I am interested in exploring the GDI+ interface for Windows, even though it has been marginalized by newer tools and interfaces. I have just received Mahesh Chand's book in the mail and will type in relevent exercises but I would love it if I could have access to the source code.
I know that many of the connections and conditions for using GDI+ have changed in the 18 years since the book was published, and I am familiar as a developer and author with the disproportionate demands this evolution places on the author of such a book for support of readers who do not understand the situation... So I promise to be on my best behavior and:
1. Not distribute the source code to others who would need support that is not reasonable today.
2. Not require assistance in using the code. I am converting and updating a lot of retro code on this project and am quite self-sufficient at getting first generation .net tech running, or leaving it behind as necessary.
Again, I understand why it is more trouble that it tends to be worth to maintain such code repositories in the face of rapid technological change. I am familiar with the alternate tech such as WPF, DirectX, etc. Despite these things, I am curious and motivated to explore the GDI+ interface. Thank you for your consideration.