
Please help me with my problem .....



Hello, I am facing this horrible problem. I am working on this reporting tool - web based - asp.net. This project contains atleast a couple of hundred pages.When it was developed, it was compiled under .net framework 1.0 using VS.net 2002. Let me describe the problem in detail: As it is a reporting tool,we have a column page etc where the user can choose which colums of the table he wishes to see in the report.No external report tool is used ..pure asp.net datagrids and stuff. Now on the final display page .. we have a function called on the page load which fetches the previous view state. eg : txt_campaign_id = request.form("txt_campaign_id") every page has these bunch of hidden textboxes. so when i saw the code - i found out that out of the eight textboxes, only 2-3 or sometimes 3-4 were fetched. If my iis has framework 1.0 - which it currently has, the pages work just fine ...no problems at all. if i install 1.1 then -- my god !! there are horrible problems. The only reason that the function which left out those textboxes are causing the problem. If without programmaticaly fetching the viewstate of the previous page, it is working in .net framework 1.0 why is it causing a problem in 1.1. What do i do ?? i am in a complete fix.I cant possibly keep on opening each page and write lines like : txt_from.Text = Request.Form("txt_from") txt_to.Text = Request.Form("txt_to") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let me be more specific. I have these 4 pages. from page one to the fourth - i have eight textboxes which are used to store values.these textboxes are hidden so the user cant see it. These pages are being used for reports ..so they store values like campaign id, from date, to date, user id, and query (sql query). Such type of thing is done in all the pages. Now, in page one : there is server.transfer("page2.aspx",true) to move to the next page. enableviewstatemac is false for all pages. Now, page two has a method called : fetch_previous_state() which uses code like : txt_from_date = request.form("txt_from_date") This function is sometime fetching 2 textboxes , sometimes 4 - poor coding. when i contacted the earlier developer ... he told me that as all the pages had same amount of hidden textboxes and their names are also same .. the values are automatically carried to the next page. so they have left some of the textboxes and in the pages that have been written lately, they even have removed the function :( All this is running excellent on framework 1.0. but when i installed 1.1 there are huge problems.when i debug the code ... i found out the the values of the textboxes that are not fetched using the code, are not being carried over to the next page which in reality is happening for 1.0. what might be the problem ... to me myself sure ... i changed the settings in iis for .aspx pages to point to .net framework 1.0 and then it started working fine ... but i cant fool my admin like this.he wants to remove framework 1.0 and install 1.1 ... what can i do ? please post some answer cause for the past 10 hours all i am typing is like this : txt_from_date.text = request.form("txt_from_date") ... the thing is - these are some of text boxes that are not fetched in the function.To make matters worse ... the developers have left out some in one page ...some in other ...so i cant just copy past in all ... please help ....... thnx