
Pixels in Stretched Bitmaps appear Blurry

Mykel Stone

Mykel Stone

    I'm having a small issue that I can't seem to find an answer for, I'm using a class which generates 5 outputs that can be either 0 or 1, these outputs are passed into a 5x1 pixel bitmap, thats displayed in a picturebox that has a size 10 times larger than the bitmap (50x10). The ImageScaling mode is set to stretch the image to fill the picture box. If the output is 1, that pixel is set to black, otherwise its set to white.

    The only problem I have with this is, the pixels are not of a solid color, they are set to opaque black, yet the stretched pixel, is more or less opaque in the center, with a gradient that blends it with the back color or the picture box. How can I make the pixels appear to be a completely opaque square when it is scaled within the picture box?
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