
Picasa-like photo index



I've been working on a photo indexing program for sorting out photo(jpeg) galleries and running batch processes against them, changing the filename order, resizing, adjusting exif, etc. I've modified some of the standard windows forms controls to allow changing the order of the photos via dragging(ListView and TabControl/Panel). I went to my parents house over christmas and my dad has installed Picasa2, I heard of it but had never seen or tried it. I've got it installed now and I'd like to get the photo index interface in my app to function like Picasa's.

First off, there is no way if I make 1000's of PictureBox's in a scrollable TabPanel that it is going to be as smooth as it is with Picasa, how do they do that?

Secondly, how would I get the "bump" of the pictures when dragging them around(to change the order)? When you drag one pic over another it bumps the two out so you can tell where it's going to be dropped. I assume all of this is going to have to be done using custom OnPaint techniques or is this some kind of graphics api manipulation?

TIA for any insite, -Drog