
Personalisation and Shared View




I have the following scenario for a social networking site I am working on.

Users create accounts in the site and then can edit their details etc. They can also have their public facing page (which will be seen by others when they click on their name etc).

Example User A signs up and then creates his public page e.g. site.aspx

I want that the user can customise this page using webparts and .net personalisation so that his changes made (like themes or webparts) can be seen by User B.

I first got it working by letting the user modify his own page but the changes reflected only when he logged on.

Then I got it working by using the following:

<allow users="*"

However, with the second approach now anyone could edit his page and save the shared view as all users will have permissions to amed their pages.

I am trying a third solution by creating folders for users and then copying a default.aspx and web.config file in it, thinking there may be a way this way... but am stuck.

The users are created using asp.net membership with additional details held in custom table.

Any ideas on how to implement this functionality of user customisable page where customisations can be seen by others as well as him.

