PDF Not Download Using Rotativa in ASP.NET MVC Website
I working in e-commerce project developed in the ASP.NET MVC, where as per the requirement i need to generate pdf of product detail. As per the requirement i have written code accordingly where i fatch product detail with name of product image, price and other necessary information.
I have combined my fixed image folder path that contains product wise image's of product and name of product as image name and creating full path of product image for display product images with product detail in PDF.
it's working fine in my local server as well as in live server also,but issue is that when my image folder reached 4.7 mb size, pdf not generate and continue loading without any error message.
I am using ViewAsPdf in rotativa.
Please help me i finding solution for same from last 2 days, even asked same question in another developers community stackoverflow and look what I have tryed.
Example what i have tryed