
Pdf generation in asp.net core

dheeraj gupta

dheeraj gupta

Hello Everyone,
I am working on a project in which we are using Angular 8 for front end and DOT Core 3.0 API at back end.
There is a need to convert HTML to pdf. I tried different third party libraries like select pdf, Iron pdf, iText7 and DinkToPdf etc but nothing seems to be working. Every library has one or the other issue.
Can we generate pdf by writing HTML in string builder object in DOT Net Core 3.0 with free library or without using 3rd party library.
Note :- We tried to generate the same from client side as well but there is a css issue as we are using bootstrap 4 classes in HTML and client wants same look and feel in pdf.
Can anyone suggest me the right approach and guide to achieve this.
I am really struggling on this and anyone's help is highly appreciable.
Thanks in advance. 
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