I am passing multiple parameters with
public async Task<IActionResult>OnPostEvaluareAsync(string ea, string[] ecs, string ezl)
return RedirectToPage("/RO/Pages/evaris/Index", new { ea, ezl, ecs });
and is working well, I get multiple ecs parameter when the case. The problem I have is to get data based on all those parameters at the same time
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string ea, string ezl, string[]ecs)
if(ecs != null)
foreach(var dataGet in ecs)
EvarisListCS = await (from a in _context.EvarisCaracterSpecials.Where(s => s.OrgID == orgid && s.ECS == dataGet)
join b in _context.EvarisMains on a.ECS equals b.ECS into Temp1
from c in Temp1
join d in _context.EvarisMasuras on c.EMID equals d.EMID into Temp2
from e in Temp2
select new EvarisMasuraListCS
ECS = a.ECS,
OrgID = a.OrgID,
CaracterSpecial = a.Denumire,
Pericol = c.Categorie,
FormaManifestare = c.FormaManifestare,
RiscInitial = c.Risc,
Clasa = e.Clasa,
Masura = e.Masura,
RiscFinal = e.RiscFinal
if(EvarisListCS.Count > 0)
HaveListCS = true;
but I'm getting only one result. How do I get all the data if I have two or more parameters for ecs?
Thank you