I try to call vb6 dll from .NET CORE C#.
The Function VB6 is :
Public Function A_Select_Campione(rst As ADODB.Recordset, _
ByVal NomeTabella As String, _
ByVal StringaVariabiliCampione As String, _
ByRef TabellaCondizioni() As Variant, _
Optional ByVal StringaVariabiliSort As String, _
Optional ByRef Status As String, _
Optional IndirizzoSaveInXml As String, _
Optional cnn_Client As Variant) As Boolean
Call C# is:
status = civ.A_Select_Campione(rs, "Operatori", "*",ref Tab);
where Tab i try define like System.array, List, Array but every time i have this error:
Messaggio=Specified array was not of the expected type.
Analisi dello stack:
in System.StubHelpers.MngdSafeArrayMarshaler.ConvertSpaceToNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, Object& pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome)
in InvCiv._clsIC.A_Select_Campione(Recordset& rst, String NomeTabella, String StringaVariabiliCampione, Array& TabellaCondizioni, String StringaVariabiliSort, String& Status, String& IndirizzoSaveInXml, Object& cnn_Client)
in ASPBlazor.Pages.Counter.IncrementCount() in C:\Sviluppo\TestC\TestAspCore\ASPBlazor\Pages\Counter.razor: riga 69
in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallbackWorkItem.InvokeAsync[T](MulticastDelegate delegate, T arg)
in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.IHandleEvent.HandleEventAsync(EventCallbackWorkItem callback, Object arg)
in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.DispatchEventAsync(UInt64 eventHandlerId, EventFieldInfo fieldInfo, EventArgs eventArgs)
How i define Tab in C# ?