
pageload taking long time

jeevan mummadi

jeevan mummadi



 i have wriitten a code like this:


using System;

using System.Data;

using System.Configuration;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Security;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using System.Web.Services;


public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


//SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();

//SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

//string st;

static int i;protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


Timer1.Interval = 500;

Timer1.Enabled =

lblmtr.Text = "00000000";

lblfreq.Text = "000000";

lbldat.Text = "00000000";

lbltime.Text = "00000000";

lblvol1.Text = "000000";

lblvol2.Text = "000000";

lblvol3.Text = "000000";

lblcu1.Text = "000000";

lblcur2.Text = "000000";

lblcur3.Text = "000000";

lbllin1.Text = "000000";

lbllin2.Text = "000000"; lbllin3.Text = "000000";

// database();


public void database()


DataSet ds;


//localhost.Service obj = new localhost.Service();

com.vvspl.www.Service obj = new com.vvspl.www.Service();

ds = obj.data("1");

lblmtr.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][0].ToString();

lblfreq.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][1].ToString();

lbldat.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][11].ToString();

lbltime.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][12].ToString();

lblvol1.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][2].ToString();

lblvol2.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][3].ToString();

lblvol3.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][4].ToString();

lblcu1.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][5].ToString();

lblcur2.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][6].ToString();

lblcur3.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][7].ToString();

lbllin1.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][8].ToString();

lbllin2.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][9].ToString();

lbllin3.Text = ds.Tables["electricmeter"].Rows[0][10].ToString();




protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)


Timer1.Interval = 30000;




but the problem is pageload is taking almost more than 11 secs,what could be the problem.

and also whenever timer event occurs ,it;s first going into page load event and then time1_tick event.

Answers (2)