
Opening mdb file from href link

roy roy

roy roy

Your help is very much appreciated.
I am writing Intranet app for an organization.
Apart from aspx pages, the organization will use this system to manage all its applications.
That means that the web pages, will contain link to MS ACCESS applications located on a network share.
So basically, the user should be able to click a link from inside aspx page, that will launch MS ACCESS app.
(in my examples below, I used my development machine, so the links point to c:\ or to local host as opposed to a network share)....

1. If I'm trying to redirect the browser  (Server.Execute(http://localhost.....)) using  virtual path , the browser tries to download the entire MS ACCESS application into the user's computer(155 MB)....
2. If I'm trying to redirect the browser  using physical path file:///C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/ManagementInterfaces/mydb.mdb , the browser 
"complains"  ->
Invalid path for child request 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ManagementInterfaces\mydb.mdb'. A virtual path is expected
* However, if I type manually the same physical path in the browser window - the application opens just fine from it's current network location(it doesn't try to download it).

Any suggestions?

Thank you