
On page load fill people picker field on form from database

Atif Rahim

Atif Rahim



 I have a form which I am populating from database for editing any value.

 I have a people picker field which is used to select a user and when I save this form I am getting the email address and user name from people picker and saving in the database.
Now when I populate the form for editing any information I want to populate the user name which is stored in the database into people picker filed so if the user wants to change he can select new user or keep it as is.
I am not able to populate in the people picker field.
other text boxes I am able to populate like.
txtEmployeeName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeName"].ToString(); 
txtEmployeePhone.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeePhone"].ToString();
Any help shall be higly appreciated.