
NP81 Exception




Hi Guys


NP81 Exception


Following program is showing an execuation of a SimpleException type.


Console.WriteLine("Member type: {0}", e.TargetSite.MemberType); is giving Method output what is meant by Method.


Console.WriteLine("Member name: {0}", e.TargetSite); is giving Void SpeedUp(Int32) output what is meant by Void.


Anyone knows please explain.


Thank you


using System;


namespace SimpleException


   // C# allows nesting of classes, interfaces and structures.

   // Here, the car nests the radio.

   public class Car


      // Internal state data.

      private int currSpeed;

      private int maxSpeed;

      private string petName;


      bool carIsDead;   // Is the car alive or dead?


      public Car(string name, int max, int curr)


         currSpeed = curr;

         maxSpeed = max;

         petName = name;

         carIsDead = false;



      public void SpeedUp(int delta)


         // If the car is dead, just say so...

         if (carIsDead)


            throw new Exception("This car is already dead...");



         else     // Not dead, speed up.


            currSpeed += delta;

            if (currSpeed >= maxSpeed)


               //Console.WriteLine("Sorry, {0} has overheated...", petName);

               carIsDead = true;



               Console.WriteLine("=> CurrSpeed = {0}", currSpeed);





   public class CarApp


      // Speed up the car safely...

      public static int Main(string[] args)


         // Make a car.

         Car buddha = new Car("Buddha", 100, 20);

         // Speed up past the car's max speed to

         // trigger the exception.



            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)



         catch (Exception e)


            Console.WriteLine("\n*** Error! ***");


            Console.WriteLine("Class defining member: {0}", e.TargetSite.DeclaringType);




            Console.WriteLine("Member type: {0}", e.TargetSite.MemberType);



            Console.WriteLine("Member name: {0}", e.TargetSite);

                                    Void SpeedUp(Int32)


            Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", e.Message);

                                    This car is already dead...


            Console.WriteLine("Source: {0}", e.Source);

                                    Source: SimpleException


         // The error has been handled, continue on with the flow of this app...

         Console.WriteLine("\n***** Out of exception logic *****");


         return 0;





=> CurrSpeed = 30

=> CurrSpeed = 40

=> CurrSpeed = 50

=> CurrSpeed = 60

=> CurrSpeed = 70

=> CurrSpeed = 80

=> CurrSpeed = 90


*** Error! ***

Class defining member: SimpleException.Car

Member type: Method

Member name: Void SpeedUp(Int32)

Message: This car is already dead...

Source: SimpleException


***** Out of exception logic *****


Answers (2)