

umair mohsin

umair mohsin


got this table from a website and trying to normalized it into 3nf but not sure if it is or not.

unitid stdid date tutid topic room grade book tutemail
u1 st1 23.02.03 tut1 GMT 629 4.7 duemlich tut1@
u2 st1 18.11.02 tut3 Gln 631 5.1 zehnder tut3@
u1 st4 23.02.03 tut1 GMT 629 4.3 duemlich tut1@
u5 st2 05.05.03 tut3 phF 632 4.9 dummler tut3@
u4 st2 04.07.03 tut5 AVQ 621 5.0 swiss topo tut5@

there is a transitive dependency from date till tutemail.

based on my practice i made these changes to normalize it.

tbl 1 :unit id,std id, topic, grade.

tbl 2 :tutid,tutemail.

tbl 3 :unitid, book

tbl 4:Date,room

could anyone please guide me whethwe it is correct or not,

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