
Newbie : Issues with constructor chaining



Hi All

I'm not sure if there is a forum for Newbies, so I'm going to post this here and if there is a FAQ on this and a newbie section then please let me know.

I hope you can help a newbie to C# programming with something that I am struggling regarding constructor chaining.

If I have multiple fields of the same type that I want to be populated on instaniation is there a way to indicate which field want to be populated in the chained call.

For example I have a class that has 2 private properties/variable:

class ClassName
        // Field data.
        private int     id;
        private int     age;

        // Chained constructors
        ClassName() : this(0) {}
        ClassName(int myID) : this(myID, 0) { }
        ClassName(int myAge) : this(0, myAge) { }

        // Master constructor
        ClassName(int myID, int myAge)
                id = myID;
                age = myAge;

Main would look like this say:

public static void Main()
        // Is this argumentfor ID or Age as they are both of type int?
        ClassName myClass = new class(10);

I hope you can see what my problem is? Is there a way to allocate values to exact constructor arguments or is this an issue with constructor chaining that has to be lived with, and I should ignore chaining when dealing with constructors that contain arguments with this same type?

Many thanks
Answers (11)