
Network script works whilst debugging locally, but doesn't work once deployed on server

andy mcinnes

andy mcinnes


I have written a little web application to allow staff that aren't on our domain to be able to change their password online.

The application uses a custom script I have written that allows passwords to be changed and does other things such as searches etc.

I have all of this in a class library and I use it in other applications as well so I know the code is fine.

So when someone logs in to the web application my custom class authenticates them (I know you can use windows authenitcation but I use this for a lot more). This works fine during debug and and when deployed on the server.

The next feature I have used out of my class is the ability to change your password, you enter your current password and your new password and the function does a few things:

First it does an annoymous bind and searches your common name
Then it searches your common name to get your full DN
Finally it passes the DN and your current and new password

This then performs the password reset function and returns bool.

This password reset feature works fine during debug, but then doesn't work once deployed.

To further test it wasn't a server issue I installed one of my apps that has this feature on the server (the code is identical) and it worked fine.

Can anyone help?

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