With autofac I'm to add a parameter to the constructor and even more, the parameter can be optional
- Builder
- .RegisterAssemblyTypes(assemblies)
- .Where(t => typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(t))
- .SingleInstance()
- .AsSelf()
- .WithParameter(new ResolvedParameter(
- (pi, ctx) => pi.ParameterType == typeof(IMyService),
- (pi, ctx) => ctx.ResolveOptional<IMyService>() ));
Could you help do this with the default MS dependency container and Scrutor?
What should I add here:
- Builder
- .Scan(s =>
- s.FromAssemblies(assemblies)
- .AddClasses(c => c.AssignableTo(typeof(T)))
- .AsSelf()
- .WithTransientLifetime() );
Thank you in advance for help and answer