
.Net | Which specific development platform

Rajesh Thampi

Rajesh Thampi

Hello guys
I've an overall experience of 15+ years developing Oracle forms and reports. I have done few .net based developments as well, mostly small tools for Active directory, file management and simple Windows services which could talk between different databases (sql, Oracle)
I have been a solution designer and developer throughout my career and I always wanted to learn .net based development, especially database driven applications for businesses where rapid data entry is most important (thus web based applications come secondary while evaluated).
I started with winforms recently and I believe am doing pretty good learning the basics and started wondering whether my choice was really good when couple of moderators started asking me "Why winforms"
Almost all my career I developed Windows forms based applications and appreciate if someone could suggest me a platform that is currently the best and yet helps me to develop desktop applications.
Thank you :)
Answers (8)