
.Net MVC, C#, SQL

Kunal Gupta

Kunal Gupta

Hello sir..jst a beginner in MVC..so jst started doing coding..trying to build one application but i am stuck in one logic.
 i want that my Login page should check three condition
1.UserName matches from Login table
2. Password Matches from Login Table
3. StatusID of Login table == StatusID of Status_Master_table == 1
because my status will be active when StatusID will be 1 and rest in any StatudID page will not login...
I have successuly made Username and Password matched but for third condition i have tried a lot but could not able to do it...
It will be an honoured for me sir if you could able to take me out from this query..your help is urgently required...

Attachment: FileTracking.zip

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