
.NET Core Razor page Dashboard auto-refresh Entity Framework

I am an amature at dotnetcore  developing a dashboard page to show running machine stats that are stored in a MS SQL database.  I have the app running and in testing it I found that refreshing the page every 10s to update the content eventually ends up in the page being unable to load (404 error page unavailable).  As a solution I have been looking at signalr, sqldependance/sqlpagedependance (only supports one table and I need more), and timers.  I can reload the javascript using interval() but the content is not changing.
I am struggling with identifying the methods that need to be reloaded and how structure the code to make entity framework reload the data periodicaly.  The piece count is updated every 7 seconds.
Is there a way to call a method from the client that will reload the data? I have seen that javascript can call a method in the Hub, but when I tried this nothing happened.  Same result when trying a timer.  I put this routine in the hub and in the view model without any success.
 My lack of experience and dependance on google is making this a very tedious process.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I have not been able to find a solid POC for this type of dashboard app using dotnet core and a razor page format to use for a model.
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