
Nested XML to Excel or SQL Server Database

Richard Love

Richard Love

Hi all,
I'm very new to .NET and programming. Hopefully, someone can help.
I'm building a WPF MVVM project. I have a API Get, POST and PUT request. The response is in XML and I need to convert this XML to EXCEL. or store it in a Sql Server Database and then export it. 
I've tried multiple solutions but they don't get me through to ALL childNodes in the XML. Also, I need to convert the EXCEL back to XML and POST to the API. 
Here's a sample of the XML response. As you can see: a Goal Item contains a GoalTask, which contains a GoalTaskItem, which contains Description,StartDate and so on.
<ClientApi xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Validations i:nil="true" />
<data xmlns:a="www.API.com/Services">
   <a:Title>test goal 2 x103340</a:Title>
   <a:Description>test description</a:Description>
   <a:Perspective>Individual Sales KPI</a:Perspective>
   <a:Status>On Track</a:Status>
   <a:GoalType>My Goals</a:GoalType>
   <a:GoalCategories />
         <a:Description>Task escription</a:Description>
   <a:GoalAssignment i:nil="true" />
   <a:GoalComments />
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