
Need to time stamp the last time a file was considered good.




Need to time stamp the last time a file was considered good.

I was trying to use something like: last_Time = DateTime.Now;. This is used inside a decision block. The problem even if the condition to enter the particular block isn't met, it still updates.

So does DateTime.Now execute no matter what?

Now for what I really need. I need to timestamp a infopacket/file/situation as to the last time it passed inspection. In other words when was the last good infopacket/file/situation.

The following code is what I thought would work:

public static DateTime last_Time;

public void Packet_Check(int decision)

{ /* checks for last good info packet. checks from lightest to most sever.

* if decision = 0, add 1 to pass_counter

* if decision = 1, pass_counter = 0, good packet and timestamps



int pass_marker = 0;// make global

int pass_counter = 0;// make global

int first_check = 0; // make global bool used if first pass made



if (decision == 1)


stateIndicatorComponent2.StateIndex = 4;

pass_counter = 0;

last_Time = DateTime.Now; // <<<<<<<< EXECUTES EVERY PASS, aargh!!!!!!!!!

TRUCK_ID_DISPLAY.BackColor = Color.White;

Performance_Log_File(this.Name, Convert.ToString(last_Time)+ " last good packet " + port_in );




if (pass_counter > 3) //change to yellow


stateIndicatorComponent2.StateIndex = 3;



if (pass_counter > 7) // red


stateIndicatorComponent2.StateIndex = 2; //red


//Diag_Box.Text = " Last Entry -- " + last_Time + "\r\n " + File_Write_Hold;


if (pass_counter > 12) // red with warning message


//mess sent to operator

Diag_Box.Text = "lastime is " + last_Time;

//Diag_Box.Text = pass_counter + " " +this.Name + " has failed to recv good info/packetsince " + last_Time + " check all input!!!!";

if (light == true)


stateIndicatorComponent2.StateIndex = 3;

TRUCK_ID_DISPLAY.BackColor = Color.Red;

light = false;




stateIndicatorComponent2.StateIndex = 2;

TRUCK_ID_DISPLAY.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

light = true;




