
Need to fetch a text of a selected treeview node

Nishil Shah

Nishil Shah


I have an asp treeview control.. i have populated it with data
Its structure is as follows:
Parent node A
       Child node B1
          Child node C1
          Child node C2
          Child node C3
       Child node B2
           Child node C4
           Child node C5
           Child node C6
i.e Depth = 2
Now when i select i.e click on any of the child nodes of last level i.e C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 or C6...the TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged event is raised
and TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text always shows the text of C1 node
which is not the case with Parent node A or Child node B1 or Child node B2
No probs while populating the treeview....only it retrives the same text everytime eventhough selecting diff child node of last sub-level
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