Hi Team,
I am trying to get Group members from SharePoint, I need to export to csv, I don`t understand why double quotes is sourended each value. Please see the code below.
foreach($line in $csv) {
$exportData = Get-PnPGroupMembers -Identity $line.Url | Select-Object -Property Title
$exportusers = foreach($user in $exportData){
[PSCustomObject]@{ "Group" =$line.Url "users" = $user.Title}
}$exportusers | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFile -NoTypeInformation
here is the output
"PatientGO Studies (ShP Group)" "Allen, Sarah"
But expecting like
PatientGO Studies (ShP Group) Allen, Sarah
also i have update PS object like below.
$GroupData.Add($(New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{"GroupName" = $line.Url;"User" = $user.Title })))
output in PS is fine, but in put file still it shows with double quotes.
help please ?