
Need programmatic access to text names and descriptions contained in dll modules

Robert Bone

Robert Bone


Howdy - I want to programmatically display information through c# on Windows Services running on my machine, but in Windows 7 fields in the registry for ServiceName for example now contain a path and parameter to a dll component.
I found loadlibraryex as a way to load a dll and then I can access the needed text, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this in C#.
For example, if you run Services.msc you will see a displayed name of Application Information, and a bit of a description for it, but if you look at the actual data in the registry, it is actually called something like AppInfo, and there is a path in ServiceDescription instead of the description.
So ini the registry for AppInfo, is a data value for DisplayName of @%systemroot%\system32\appinfo.dll,-100, and for Description the data value isL @%systemroot%\system32\appinfo.dll,-101
So, please send me a fully working bit of code to retrieve that info
[email protected]
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