
Need help with Global.asax in visual studio 2005




 I do not know how to use Global.asax in visual studio 2005. I wanted to create a hash table object and initialize in global.asax so that it is initialised as soon as the application starts and i can use it throught out my application. Since the global.asax is converted as script here i am not sure of how to use it. So i tried creating the project in visual studio 2003 and converted to visual studio 2005 expecting that it will do the required for me, but unfortunately for my fate i got the following conversion report.

Conversion Issues - GoosieTest.csproj:(Error List):
ERROR: Unable to get local copy of file global.asax.cs. 
ERROR: Unable to get local copy of file assemblyinfo.cs. 
ERROR: The following files were not migrated because they were not found in the project file or the associated 'BuildAction' is set to 'None'. You may need to exclude these files from the project after the conversion process in order to compile your web site: File List == App_Code_Old\assemblyinfo.cs,app_webreferences\webreference\reference.cs,App_Code_Old\global.asax.cs. 

So please anybody can help me with this of how to use the Global.asax in new visual studio 2005. I also tried searching in net for help but i couldn't find anything that was useful to me. Hope somebody else also had the problem and wish to know how they handled this. Thanks in advance...

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