
need help with a Class



I have this fileHandler class

using System;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using System.IO;

class fileHandler : IDisposable


private FileStream procs;

private StreamWriter sw;

private StreamReader sr;

public string file;

public fileHandler()


procs = null;

file = null;

sw = null;

sr = null;


public StreamWriter write2File(string filePath, FileMode Mode, FileAccess Access)


file = filePath;

procs = new FileStream(filePath, Mode, Access);

sw = new StreamWriter(procs);

return sw;


public StreamReader readFromFile(FileMode Mode, FileAccess Access)


procs = new FileStream(file, Mode, Access);

sr = new StreamReader(procs);

return sr;


Now in my code behind I have the following:

fileHandler hFirstFile = new fileHandler();

fileHandler hSecondFile = new fileHandler();

In my code I write output to 2 seperate files...when I go to use the variable file from each instance of my class, the first one is NULL(originally did get set) and the second one has a name.

I am wondering since they are 2 seperate instanciation, why are they being treated the same?