
Need help in workflow.

Rahul Khanna

Rahul Khanna


Dear all,

I am new to share point 2010. I want to build a simple work flow. I have requirement that I have two lists in share point site. One is for employee registration another one is for car registration. Any employee can register the car in car registration list with field like car id, owner of the car, seating capacity, availability of seat etc. So there will be many car with different owner and car id in the list.  And employee registration will be there in employee registration list. 

Scenario: Any employee belong to the route of particular car can apply for car pool  facility, when employee apply for car pool facility the request should  go to particular owner of the car as an email, there owner of the car may approve or reject the request. Either the way notification should go to sender. 

Condition: if owner the car approves the request, instantly availability of seat (from car registration list) should be decreased. If he rejects availability of seat would be remain same. 

How can I achieve this functionality, I know I have to do some custom workflow around this, but not getting idea where to start.  Please help with steps. 

Your help is always heartily appreciated. 

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