
Need help ASP.net

Thomas Lamb

Thomas Lamb


Looking for direction/tutorial, using VS 2022, C#, MS SQL Server, to perform CRUD operations on various tables.

tblEmp - empID, nameL, nameF, nameM, eMail, pHome, pWork, dEntered

tblAddr - addrID, empID, primAddr, addr1, addr2, city, st, zip, dEntered

tblRoles - rolesID, empID, roleType, wPlace, dEntered

I have so far, migrated my MS Access B/end data to my SQL Server. My f/end, MS Access form would present to user an Employee form, with two sub forms for Address and Roles tied together with empID. I would like to present to the client an option of create, read, update and/delete for a single Employee based on PK and return a status. Perhaps in grid table with drop down lists for Address and Roles (I want my cake and eat it too ??)

I'm learning C# and ASP.net on the fly. I have SQL experience and have taken VB & DBase college course in 2005, if there is an similar example code I feel confident I could go from there. If not, a list of 'to do's' will help. Many Thanks!



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