
Need Code- Help !!!

venkat krishna

venkat krishna

I need output like this, I am Using .net framework 4.0

Output :

Number of Variables or nodes : _______

When we enter any number like 0,1,2,3...... in the blank(Instead of Blank we will place a textbox)..we need to get a table on the Output Screen.

Example: When we enter a number,for eg: 6 in the textbox.. ,We need to get a table with 6 rows and 6 columns.... like wise in the same manner , if we enter any "n" number in the text box, we need to get a table of "n" rows and " n" Columns !!

So, please can any1 write code and give it to me..I m very thankful to u frndz !!!
Answers (4)