
Need a SignalAndWaitAll

H Xia

H Xia

Hi All,

I am trying to write code to sync between processes. Here is the piece of code:

                setSignal();   // signal me (WaitHandle) first
                if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(mWaitHandles, timeout_ms, true))   // mWaitHandles is an array of named event handles
                    mLog.WriteLine("While wait for sync, it's timed out.");  // better not reach here, so timeout_ms should be big
                resetSignal();   // reset WaitHandle

My problem is that because setSignal() and WaitHandle.WaitAll() is not atomic, other processes could have reset Signal before I enter WaitAll(), then I have a deadlock or timeout. So I need a SignalAndWait() similar method SignalAndWaitAll(). Is there such construct? If not, can I create one?

Thanks for your consideration.
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