sorry there was no propper category for my question..
does anyone has worked with SDL??
sdl_Surface Screen in the class where main fucntion is
i also have anoter sdl_Sufvace BackgroundImage
i blit that image on the Screen surface..
i have another class that also has SDL_Surface smallRectangle
and i create object in main from that class and i blit the smallRectangle on backGrountImage..
works fine until now..
now i have thrd class that has SDL_Surface smallestRectangle.. and i want first to blit it on the object from the second class, and then together blit on mainBackgroundImage SDL_Surface.. THIS IS WHERE MY PROGRAM FAIL
i don't want to write code because i don't know if anyone on this forum usess native c++ so If anyone can help me i will produce code so you can understand my problem better