
My personal Project




My Personal Project

I looking for any one that can program in VC# Express 2008 and can help me complete a project that I have been working on for about 6 months.

1) Telnet Server w/BBS
2) ftp Server
3) Mail Server
4) Web Server that supports asp.net 2.0

as you can see theres 4 parts to my project. I willing to paid up too $150.00 for any one that can help me to complete it be the end of the summer.

A) If your interested in helping me. Let me know by MSN IM at [email protected]
B) I will send you my project on what I have completed. If you complete 2 parts of the project and return the project back to me w/your work(The source Code) That will get you $75.00. I can pay by mail or paypal.com
Then complete the last 2 parts and send the source code back to me again with your work(Source Code) and get another $75.00.
C) in Oct 2008 if your interested you can help me with some smaller programs and adding new options to it

And in October 2008. Get a Bonus of $100.00 as long as the projects works. with no bugs.

Answers (4)