
My Android Emulator will not refresh

Bob Gatto

Bob Gatto


I created a .NET maui app and ran it immediately without any code changes. I only first changed to a Pixel 5 - API 33 (Android 13.0 API 33) before running the program. I got that Welocme robot image which is ok. However, Whayt I did was change the XAML code so it has extra items and not that robot image. I tried running it again, and I still get the original run image of the emulator. I also tried closing Visual Studo and then re-opening it and then running the project again and I still got the original image of the emulator as if I made no changes. Yet looking at the code, the changes I made are there, and when I runn the program no errors come up.


So how do I refresh the emulator to read my new code?

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