
Multiple questions, nasty teacher!

S Wa

S Wa

Hello all,

First of all, I'm pretty new to this forum, and also pretty new to programming ...
I follow a programming course this year, and our teacher wants us to make a program as a sort of test. Only, she doenst know herself how to make it all. Questions are obsolete ...
So I thought I might as well ask them here...

Now, the program we have to write involves databases, with ADO.NET or something.
What I have got to work by now: my double and triple dataviews, adding data to the tables with sufficient control (I warn for null-values, wrong input, ... i ask to save when closing) and a user-friendly GUI. Also, i have a control on closing the application, since i add a control at runtime.
What I still didn't get to work!:
* in the main form (it's an MDI based application), we have to run a slideshow, controlleed by a timer. The slideshow has to display all the images that we earlier inserted in one of our tabels (in my case, the table 'Employee' - the other ones are costumer and purchase). How in heavensname, I ponder, do you get your images out of your database, into your Me.Backgroundimage??? I used the datatype 'image'. I càn run a slideshow from a pre-specified map of images, with a specified name (imagex, x being 1 till 20).
* Make a form where you offer a listbox. From that listbox you can choose an element (for example: the name of an employee) and view all the data belonging to that name (so, when I click the name of an emplyee, i get to see his ID, info, photo, ... )
* Make a form that makes use of an array or arraylist. In my case, i was thinking about looking how many times  postal codes are present in my 'customer' table. However, I have no idea how to start achieving this.
And lastly, our teacher dared  us to make a form where you can export a textfile that offers an overview of all the data in a certain table.

I know, I sure ask a lot, but any help would be greatly appreciated! I've been working and looking up for the last two weeks, and I've come further than I expected, but I'd sure like to show tthat teacher. especially because she doesn't know how to do something 9 out the 10 situations...

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