
Multiple Inheritance in C#

//Interface I1 and I2 I cant change as they are 
public interface I1
    void Display();
public interface I2
    void Display();
    void Display2();

//I can make changes here
public class MyClass : I1, I2
    void I1.Display()
    void I2.Display()

    void I2.Display2()

//Calling this method from a diffrent class
void processData(I1 data) //I have to accept I1 interface refrence only
    var temp = data.Display2(); //Error 

In processData() method data.Display2() is giving error. How I can achive as data is basically MyClass object then how can I call Display2() with I2 reference. Is there any solution like Casting or any SOLID principle which I am missing? 

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