
multi threaing

arif sharif

arif sharif


if any one Can  help me in solving the following problem...

I want to make an application in VB.NET and I want this application to work as follows, There will be an array of items on which I want to perform a specific operation (MyTask), with the help of multiple threads.

For example, say, the array is holding 12 items in it, and I want to create 3 threads to do the work,

Thread 1: Reads the first item from the array and goes to perform the specific operation (MyTask).

Thread 2: Reads the second item from the array and goes to perform the operation MyTask

Thread 3: Reads the third itm from the array and goes to perform the Mytask.

Now once Thread 1 completes the operatin MyTask, I want to assign 4th item from the array to the Thread 1 to continue the process.

Once Thread 2 completes the operatin MyTask, I want to assign 5th item from the array to the Thread 2 to continue the process and so on... until all the items from the array is processed.

Also, the function taking 5 arguments out of which 4 arguments will be same. Only one argument will vary and it will take the keywords one by one as input parameter.


Arif Shareef