
Moving Files from Application to Windows

wk kan

wk kan


Hi all, I currently working on a windows application which have function similar to the Windows Explorer. My application contains a treeview and a listview which enable drag/drop as well as copy/paste between the two controls. The 'files' and 'folders' displayed in the controls is actually data from Oracle, unlike most of the sample application that resembles Windows Explorer which displayed the logical drives and files from Windows. I am able to drag and drop files from Windows into my application and successfully saves the files' name and content to Oracle. Hence, the files successfully displayed in the listview just as how it looks like in the Windows Explorer. And, please note that the files' name that I saved is only the name, for e.g. C:\\example.txt is the full path of the file, but I just retrieve "example.txt" and save into database.

The problem I faced now is how to drag/drop or copy/paste the file that I saved back to any folders or location in windows as the DragDrop event on Windows is not controlled by my application.

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

