Hello Experts,
I have been stuck while doing migrating.
In the part of migrating, I started with EF to EF Core.
In the Repository, we have something like below, which was added by using a library called System.Data.Entity.Migrations [Implemented by inheriting class called DbSetMigrationsExtensions]
public virtual void AddOrUpdate(Expression> identifierExpression, T entity)
if (identifierExpression == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(identifierExpression));
if (entity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
DbSet.AddOrUpdate(identifierExpression, entity);
The same method I have to call in my new migrating code.
But I am not able to add the same library in EF Core. Are there any alternate ways we can do this. ?
Any help would be really appreciated.